Monday, June 9, 2008

Is my country falling apart?

"The fault dear Brutus, lies not in our stars but in ourselves", was Shakespeare sending out a message to the world with or did he just want a good line for poor Cassius? My people are rapidly declining into a very deep abyss of insecurity and yet the irony of it all lies in the fact that the very educated and so called "aware" youth seems to simply not care. Imagine a state of affairs where everyone who belongs to a certain caste wants to be called backward simply to attain reservations that according to them righteously belong to them. The Gujjar agitation is a clear sign of a chain of events that is going to set forth. The wise of the country tried to undo this agitation two years ago when the doctors of the country were against increasing the reservation percentage. They didn't know then that in their loss they set fire to an already raging issue of reservation. Clearly, the increase in reservation percentage was a personal ambition of politicians seeking vote. The middle class of the country had to wake up. And they did two years ago when the doctors of AIIMS decided to stand up against this tyranny. Only the ending was the same as it has been for years. The politicians won the war, and subsequently the battle as well. But the idea of a doctor who is simply in the med school not because he studied but because he belongs to a certain caste or religion scared the public and still nothing happened. The ripples of the so called revolution died out and now a new battle is on stage.I won't be surprised if in some time the Thakurs of U.P. and the Rajputs of Rajasthan and other so called forward castes start fighting for Scheduled Caste status. I don't blame them for I am a victim of this system as well and have seen my other forward caste classmates illegally change their names simply to have greater eligibility for a certain seat in a reputed college. The idea that a whole community wants to be called backward is ironic isn't it? This, my friend, happens only in India. What can i say? I am proud? No, I am disappointed in the system that promised equality 50 years ago. My cries fell on deaf ears when I sent these words to a newspaper two years ago on the counts of the fact that I was opposing the system too strongly. I hope my right to voice my opinion is not being compromised when I am talking to the world.I must add, and disappointingly so, the ideas of biggest democracy in the world is washing away and the world is slowly coming to know of the true price that we all paid in the name of instilling equality. The curtains of secularism had already been torn down by Gujarat's sad situation years ago and now our next "pillar of democracy" is being pulled down. For my part I hope the Gujjars get the reservations they want we will then have more reason to fight for making the forward castes the new minority of the nation.Those who don't stand up for themselves will not find anyone to stand up for them so if you want a piece of the cake, hang on there will definitely be a day when seats in colleges will have to be "reserved" for all castes and each "caste" will eventually have a college of their own. Talk about unity in diversity? At this rate only diversity will remain.